TWoaS Dev Diary #5

This is the fifth entry of my weekly dev diary for The Weight of a Soul.


Progress this week was slow. I only completed two full scenes, both of them new rooms.

For various reasons, I’ve had trouble with my sleep schedule and it was really hard for me to wake up on time this week to do… anything really. Even when I was awake, it wasn’t a productive kind of awake, but that kind of awful in-between-ness between wakefulness and sleep that makes it impossible to get any creative work done.

I think I’ve just been too stressed out lately with the need to keep deadlines and stick to a writing schedule (which is not something I usually do). That’s why I decided to call it this week at two scenes.

As I write this, it’s the weekend and I’ve finally managed to wake up at a decent hour with the aid of some medication. I’m going to take the weekend to try to relax and catch up on sleep, so that I can hopefully go into the rest of the semester refreshed and ready to finish the rest of my writing.

The good news is that Day Three is still coming along at a fairly good place and I think I will be able to finish it by my mid-October deadline. I’m excited to see things come together.

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